(a) The University of Arkansas, hereinafter referred to as the "university", is designated as the agency of the State of Arkansas to formulate, to submit to the United States Secretary of Agriculture, and to administer state agricultural plans designed to carry out the policy and purposes of § 7 of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act, 16 U.S.C. § 590g.
(b) The university shall perform the duties and functions as the state agency separately and distinctly from the performance of its duties and functions in any other capacity, except that as the state agency, it shall cooperate with the dean and faculty of the Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences of the University of Arkansas, with the Cooperative Extension Service and the Agricultural Experiment Station, and with other agencies of the state qualified to assist therein. The university may utilize the services and assistance of the personnel and facilities normally used in the performance of other functions of the university if that may be done without interference with the effective performance of those other functions.