(A) To receive gifts, grants, donations, fee conveyances, or transfers of money and property, both real and personal, from private and public sources, or federal, or either, and to sell or dispose of such property, real and personal, or either, as the commission deems advisable.
(B) Any funds and income from any property described in subdivision (1)(A) of this section shall be deposited into the State Treasury into the Department of Arkansas Heritage Endowment Trust Fund and expended in the same manner as other state moneys are expended upon vouchers drawn by the Director of the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission; and
(A) With the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and the Governor, to acquire, by purchase or otherwise, real property for the purpose of trade or exchange, and to trade or exchange any such property acquired for lands to be included in the system.
(B) However, the commission shall exercise this power in such a manner that any and all property acquired for the purpose of trade or exchange shall in fact be traded or exchanged forthwith and without delay.