(1) An accounting of:
(A) Each project that was offered incentives in the previous calendar year, including without limitation:
(i) The number of jobs proposed by each project and the average hourly wage or annual salary for each project;
(ii) For each job creation project that receives funds from the Economic Development Incentive Quick Action Closing Fund under § 19-5-1231, an indication of whether each project contains a repayment requirement;
(a) Each project that received funds from the Economic Development Incentive Quick Action Closing Fund under § 19-5-1231.
(b) The information reported in subdivision (1)(A)(iii)(a) of this section and any other related information shall be made available to the Office of Economic and Tax Policy upon request;
(iv) The location of each project; and
(v) The elements of the commission's incentive packages that were used;
(B) Each project that was offered incentives but that did not accept incentives, including without limitation:
(i) An assessment of the reasons why each offered project failed to open; and
(ii) Any proposals the General Assembly should consider that would have assisted the commission in its negotiations regarding each project;
(C) Each factory and plant that closed in the previous calendar year, including without limitation:
(i) The number of jobs lost as the result of the closure of each factory or plant;
(ii) The location of each factory or plant that closed; and
(iii) An assessment of the reasons for each factory or plant closing; and
(D) The commission's strategies and recommendations for the coming year, including:
(i) An assessment of the relative risk of loss of factories, plants, and jobs in the state; and
(ii) Plans for:
(a) Preventing future closings of factories and plants;
(b) Preventing future losses of jobs;
(c) Increasing the number of economic development proposals within the state;
(d) Drawing an increasing number of economic development proposals into the state; and
(e) Creating new incentives for economic development proposals; and
(2) The Executive Director of the Arkansas Economic Development Commission's assessment of the commission's performance, including without limitation a comparison to:
(A) The commission's performance over the past two (2) years;
(B) The commission's own projections; and
(C) Economic development in neighboring states.