(1) Generally. An appropriation ordinance or amendment to an appropriation ordinance is defined as a measure by which the county quorum court designates a particular fund, or sets apart a specific portion of county revenue in the treasury, to be applied to some general object of expenditure or to some individual purchase or expense of the county.
(2) An appropriation ordinance or amendment to an existing appropriation ordinance may be introduced in the manner provided by law for the introduction of ordinances.
(3) Appropriation measures enacted by a quorum court shall include the following categories of financial management:
(A) The levy of taxes and special property tax assessments as provided by law; and
(B) The enactment of specific appropriations by which a specified sum has been set apart in the treasury and devoted to the payment of a particular demand. Specific appropriations may be enacted through the adoption of an annual budget, a statement of estimated receipts and expenditures, in a manner prescribed by law.
(b) Adoption and Amendment by Reference. Any quorum court may adopt, amend, or repeal an appropriation ordinance which incorporates by reference the provisions of any county budget or portion of a county budget, or any amendment thereof, properly identified as to date and source, without setting forth the provisions of the adopted budget in full. At least one (1) copy of a budget, portion, or amendment which is incorporated or adopted by reference shall be filed in the office of the county clerk and there kept available for public use, inspection, and examination.
(c) Designation. All appropriation ordinances or an amendment to an appropriation ordinance shall be designated "appropriation ordinance".
(d) Readings and Publication. An appropriation ordinance may be enacted without separate readings or publication prior to passage. However, publication shall be initiated within two (2) calendar days, excepting holidays, after approval of the measure by the county judge.
(e) Voting Requirements. The passage of appropriation ordinances or amendments to existing appropriation ordinances enacted without separate readings shall require a two-thirds vote of the whole number of justices comprising a quorum court. On the passage of every appropriations measure, the yeas and nays shall be called and recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
(f) Effective Date. An appropriation measure is effective immediately upon passage by the quorum court and approval by the county judge.