(a) Within the purposes of this chapter, the term "elective county office" shall mean any office created under the provisions of Arkansas Constitution Article 7, § 19, as amended by Arkansas Constitution, Amendment 24, § 3, and Arkansas Constitution, Article 7, § 46.
(b) The elective county offices established by these constitutional provisions are:
(1) One (1) sheriff, who shall be ex officio collector of taxes, unless otherwise provided by law;
(2) One (1) collector of taxes, where established by law;
(3) One (1) assessor;
(4) One (1) coroner;
(5) One (1) treasurer, who shall be ex officio treasurer of the common school fund;
(6) One (1) surveyor;
(7) One (1) clerk of the circuit court, who shall be clerk of the probate division of circuit court and ex officio clerk of the county court and recorder, unless otherwise provided by law; and
(8) One (1) county clerk, where established by law.