(1) "Acquire" means to acquire by purchase or otherwise, construct, repair, alter, install, restore, or place on land or in a building or motor vehicle by negotiation or bidding on terms and conditions that:
(A) Are determined by the Arkansas State Police Commission to be in the best interests of the Department of Arkansas State Police; and
(B) Will most effectively serve the purposes of this subchapter;
(2) "Communication and information technology equipment" means:
(A) Wireless data and related technologies equipment, including without limitation workstations, modems, and other vehicle-based equipment, network controllers, computer-aided dispatch equipment, central information services sites with related server computers and controllers, software and information support;
(B) Furnishings and fixtures used in connection with the operation of equipment described in subdivision (2)(A) of this section; and
(C) Other equipment, property, and items determined by the commission to be necessary to accomplish the purpose of this subchapter;
(3) "Cost" means the costs related to a headquarters facility or communication and information technology equipment, including without limitation the following:
(A) The costs of the acquisition of communication and information technology equipment and the related costs, including without limitation engineering, architectural, consulting, and related services;
(B) The cost of acquiring an interest in real estate for the location of a headquarters facility that provides necessary or recommended access or buffer zones or that facilitates the delivery of utility services and the related costs, including without limitation engineering, architectural, consulting, and related services;
(C) The cost of the preparation of plans, specifications, studies, surveys, and estimates of cost and revenues;
(D) Other expenses necessary or incident to planning, providing, or determining the need for or the feasibility of the headquarters facility or communication and information technology equipment;
(E) The costs of related software for the operation and support of the communication and information technology equipment;
(F) The costs of database development and other information sources and the training required for the efficient use of communication and information technology equipment; and
(G) The costs paid or incurred in connection with the issuance of bonds by the Arkansas Development Finance Authority to finance the acquisition, development, upgrade, improvement, or expansion of a headquarters facility or communication and information technology equipment;
(4) "Debt service payment" means a payment to be made by the department from pledged revenues or other legally available sources to secure and provide for payments due on any bonds or other obligations issued by the authority to accomplish the purposes of this subchapter;
(5) "Financing documents" means a note and mortgage, loan agreement, lease purchase agreement, trust indenture, and related documents executed in connection with the issuance of bonds by the authority to finance headquarters facilities or communication and information technology equipment;
(6) "Headquarters facility" means part or all of one (1) or more items or properties used by the department to accomplish or facilitate its purposes, including without limitation:
(A) Land, buildings, fixtures, infrastructure, improvements, furniture, equipment, software, and personal property necessary or convenient to the land, buildings, fixtures, infrastructure, improvements, furniture, equipment, and software; and
(B) Engineering, design, construction, or architectural plans related to a property used by the department;
(7) "Pledged revenues" means the fees generated under § 27-16-801(a) and § 27-23-118(a)(3) that may be pledged for the security and payment of debt service payments under this subchapter; and
(8) "Purchase agreement" means an agreement entered into by the commission with a vendor to acquire a headquarters facility or communication and information technology equipment.