(a) Arkansas Legislative Audit may conduct audits of all or any part of the information systems or operations of any entity of the state or political subdivision of the state.
(b) (1) (A) Charges incurred in the performance of information systems audits or audit-related tasks by Arkansas Legislative Audit shall be absorbed by the entity of the state or political subdivision of the state being audited.
(B) However, the use shall not interfere with or impede normal information systems operations.
(2) The information systems provider shall provide requested data or other information or services to Arkansas Legislative Audit within ten (10) days of the request, unless another date is agreed to by the Legislative Auditor.
(c) The Department of Information Systems, its successor agency, or other entities of the state or political subdivisions of the state that provide Internet, network, or other computer services or information to an entity of the state or a political subdivision of the state shall provide access to all data, support, or other necessary information services to Arkansas Legislative Audit in connection with their functions at no cost to Arkansas Legislative Audit.
(d) In connection with any audit by Arkansas Legislative Audit, contractual providers of information systems or other computer-related services to entities of the state or political subdivisions of the state shall cooperate and provide requested information at no cost to Arkansas Legislative Audit.
(e) All contracts by entities of the state and political subdivisions of the state with vendors for information systems or other computer services shall contain a provision permitting Arkansas Legislative Audit access and authority to audit computer applications supplied by vendors.