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U.S. State Codes
Title 8. Business and Profe...
Chapter 06. Acupuncture
Chapter 06. Acupuncture
Sec. 08.06.010. Practice of acupuncture without license prohibited.
Sec. 08.06.020. Application for license.
Sec. 08.06.030. License to practice acupuncture.
Sec. 08.06.040. Renewal of license.
Sec. 08.06.050. Disclosure.
Sec. 08.06.060. Restrictions on practice of acupuncture.
Sec. 08.06.070. Grounds for imposition of disciplinary sanctions.
Sec. 08.06.080. Exemption.
Sec. 08.06.090. Penalty.
Sec. 08.06.100. Regulations.
Sec. 08.06.190. Definitions.