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U.S. State Codes
Title 46. Water, Air, Energ...
Chapter 06. Recycling and Reduction of Litter
Chapter 06. Recycling and Reduction of Litter
Sec. 46.06.010. Powers of the department.
Sec. 46.06.021. Solid and hazardous waste management practices.
Sec. 46.06.031. Solid and hazardous waste reduction and recycling program.
Sec. 46.06.041. Community solid waste management planning grants.
Sec. 46.06.050. Litter receptacles and anti-litter symbol.
Sec. 46.06.060. Litter bags.
Sec. 46.06.070. Litter patrol.
Sec. 46.06.080. Littering prohibited.
Sec. 46.06.090. Prohibited beverage containers; packaging requirements.
Sec. 46.06.095. Coding required.
Sec. 46.06.100. Notice to public.
Sec. 46.06.110. Enforcement authority.
Sec. 46.06.120. Grants.
Sec. 46.06.130. Conditions for grants.
Sec. 46.06.140. Federal requirements.
Sec. 46.06.150. Definitions.