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U.S. State Codes
Title 37. Public Finance
Chapter 15. Bonding
Article 1. State Bonding Act.
Article 1. State Bonding Act.
Sec. 37.15.010. Full faith and credit for general obligation bonds.
Sec. 37.15.011. Alaska debt retirement fund.
Sec. 37.15.012. Continuing debt service appropriation.
Sec. 37.15.015. Notice before election.
Sec. 37.15.020. Manner and amounts of sale.
Sec. 37.15.030. Interest rate and maturity.
Sec. 37.15.040. Sale of bonds.
Sec. 37.15.050. Redemption.
Sec. 37.15.060. Form and registration of bonds.
Sec. 37.15.070. Place of payment.
Sec. 37.15.080. Signatures and seal.
Sec. 37.15.090. Terms and conditions.
Sec. 37.15.100. Trustee.
Sec. 37.15.110. Creation and membership of state bond committee.
Sec. 37.15.120. Regulations.
Sec. 37.15.130. Officers, records, and proceedings.
Sec. 37.15.140. Duties of state bond committee.
Sec. 37.15.150. Committee may employ special services.
Sec. 37.15.155. Prohibited bidding on bonds and anticipation notes.
Sec. 37.15.160. Contents of resolution.
Sec. 37.15.170. State bond committee to certify annual principal, interest, and reserve requirements.
Sec. 37.15.180. Remedies of bondholders.
Sec. 37.15.190. Negotiability.
Sec. 37.15.200. Bonds as legal investments.
Sec. 37.15.210. Refunding bonds.
Sec. 37.15.215. Official statements.
Sec. 37.15.220. Short title.