(a) When the commissioner of revenue determines that there are funds in the state treasury that are not being used for the purposes provided for in AS 37.10.070, they may be deposited in financial institutions. Collateral may be required by the commissioner to secure state deposits provided for under this section.
(b) The commissioner of revenue may require the banks in which state funds are deposited under a time deposit agreement to pay at least a minimum interest rate to be fixed by the Department of Revenue, and this interest when paid shall be deposited in the general fund or in the other funds that are established by law.
(c) This section does not prohibit the Department of Revenue from depositing the funds that it considers necessary for the proper conduct of the office in solvent banks outside the state under the terms and conditions provided in this section.
(d) The Department of Revenue may deposit funds in banks inside or outside the state without requiring those banks in which the funds are deposited to pay interest on the deposits. It is the intention of the legislature that the department may compensate the banks for handling state disbursements in a manner determined by the commissioner of revenue to be in the best interests of the state.
(e) Banks holding state deposits shall, as a condition of retaining those deposits, submit all information concerning the deposits and other relevant matters that may be requested by the commissioner.