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U.S. State Codes
Title 34. Property
Chapter 60. Relocation Assistance and Real Prop...
Chapter 60. Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Practices
Sec. 34.60.010. Purpose.
Sec. 34.60.020. State agencies to establish program.
Sec. 34.60.030. Administration of program.
Sec. 34.60.040. Relocation payments.
Sec. 34.60.050. Replacement housing for homeowners.
Sec. 34.60.060. Replacement housing for tenants and others.
Sec. 34.60.070. Expenses incidental to transfer of property.
Sec. 34.60.080. Litigation expenses.
Sec. 34.60.090. Relocation services.
Sec. 34.60.100. Eminent domain.
Sec. 34.60.110. Nontaxation of payments.
Sec. 34.60.120. Uniform real property acquisition policy.
Sec. 34.60.130. Uniform acquisition policy for improvements.
Sec. 34.60.135. Planning loans for additional housing.
Sec. 34.60.137. Housing replacement assistance as last resort.
Sec. 34.60.140. Regulations.
Sec. 34.60.150. Definitions.