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U.S. State Codes
Title 31. Oil and Gas
Chapter 25. Alaska Gasline ...
Article 1. Organization, Administration, and Po...
Article 1. Organization, Administration, and Powers.
Sec. 31.25.005. Purpose.
Sec. 31.25.007. Expedited review and action by state agencies or entities.
Sec. 31.25.010. Structure.
Sec. 31.25.020. Governing body.
Sec. 31.25.030. Meetings of board.
Sec. 31.25.035. Minutes of meetings.
Sec. 31.25.040. Administration of affairs; program directors.
Sec. 31.25.045. Executive director.
Sec. 31.25.050. Legal counsel.
Sec. 31.25.060. Employment of personnel.
Sec. 31.25.065. Personnel exempt from State Personnel Act.
Sec. 31.25.080. Powers and duties.
Sec. 31.25.090. Confidentiality; interagency cooperation.
Sec. 31.25.100. In-state natural gas pipeline fund.
Sec. 31.25.110. Alaska liquefied natural gas project fund.
Sec. 31.25.120. Creation of subsidiaries.
Sec. 31.25.130. Administrative procedure; regulations.
Sec. 31.25.140. Exemption from the State Procurement Code; application of the Executive Budget Act; corporation finances.