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U.S. State Codes
Title 25. Marital and Domes...
Chapter 25. Uniform Interst...
Article 2. Jurisdiction.
Article 2. Jurisdiction.
Sec. 25.25.201. Bases for jurisdiction over nonresident.
Sec. 25.25.202. Duration of personal jurisdiction.
Sec. 25.25.203. Initiating and responding tribunal of this state.
Sec. 25.25.204. Simultaneous proceedings.
Sec. 25.25.205. Continuing, exclusive jurisdiction to modify child support order.
Sec. 25.25.206. Continuing jurisdiction to enforce child support order.
Sec. 25.25.207. Determination of controlling child support order.
Sec. 25.25.208. Child support orders for two or more obligees.
Sec. 25.25.209. Credit for payments.
Sec. 25.25.280. Application of this chapter to nonresident subject to personal jurisdiction.
Sec. 25.25.281. Continuing, exclusive jurisdiction to modify spousal support order.