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U.S. State Codes
Title 23. Labor and Workers...
Chapter 15. Employment Serv...
Article 2. State Vocational Rehabilitation Comm...
Article 2. State Vocational Rehabilitation Committee.
Sec. 23.15.220. Purpose.
Sec. 23.15.230. Appointment of committee.
Sec. 23.15.240. Selection and term of chair.
Sec. 23.15.250. Compensation and expenses.
Sec. 23.15.260. Meetings.
Sec. 23.15.270. Cooperation with other committees and agencies.
Sec. 23.15.280. Appointment of advisors.
Sec. 23.15.290. Employ people with disabilities week.
Sec. 23.15.300. Manner of handling funds.
Sec. 23.15.310. Gifts.
Sec. 23.15.315. Fees.
Sec. 23.15.320. Annual report to governor.