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U.S. State Codes
Title 22. Judiciary
Chapter 15. District Courts and Magistrates
Chapter 15. District Courts and Magistrates
Sec. 22.15.010. Establishment of the district court of the State of Alaska.
Sec. 22.15.020. Number of district judges and magistrates.
Sec. 22.15.030. Civil jurisdiction.
Sec. 22.15.040. Small claims.
Sec. 22.15.050. Actions not within civil jurisdiction.
Sec. 22.15.060. Criminal jurisdiction.
Sec. 22.15.070. Extent of jurisdiction.
Sec. 22.15.080. Change of venue.
Sec. 22.15.090. Sessions and general powers of district court.
Sec. 22.15.100. Functions and powers of district judge and magistrate.
Sec. 22.15.110. Additional duties of district judge and magistrate.
Sec. 22.15.120. Limitations on proceedings which magistrate may hear.
Sec. 22.15.140. Process.
Sec. 22.15.150. Jury trials.
Sec. 22.15.160. Qualifications of district judges and magistrates.
Sec. 22.15.170. Selection of district judges and magistrates.
Sec. 22.15.180. Oath of office.
Sec. 22.15.190. Assignment of district judges and magistrates.
Sec. 22.15.195. Approval or rejection.
Sec. 22.15.205. Impeachment.
Sec. 22.15.210. Restrictions.
Sec. 22.15.220. Compensation.
Sec. 22.15.230. Additional compensation.
Sec. 22.15.240. Appeal.
Sec. 22.15.250. Disposition of fines.
Sec. 22.15.270. Retention of fines, etc., by political subdivisions.