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U.S. State Codes
Title 21. Insurance
Chapter 33. Unauthorized Insurers
Chapter 33. Unauthorized Insurers
Sec. 21.33.011. Purpose.
Sec. 21.33.021. Service of process on director.
Sec. 21.33.025. Service of process on lieutenant governor.
Sec. 21.33.031. Defendant's duties and rights.
Sec. 21.33.035. Attorney fees.
Sec. 21.33.037. Acting for or aiding nonadmitted insurers prohibited.
Sec. 21.33.042. Suits by nonadmitted insurers.
Sec. 21.33.045. Investigation and disclosure of insurance contracts.
Sec. 21.33.055. Unauthorized insurance premium tax.
Sec. 21.33.061. Independently procured insurance; premium tax.
Sec. 21.33.063. Agreements with other states.
Sec. 21.33.065. Penalties.
Sec. 21.33.900. Records of insureds.
Sec. 21.33.910. Definitions.