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U.S. State Codes
Title 9 - Conservation and ...
Chapter 11 - Fish, Game and...
Article 4 - Commercial Fishing in Public Impoun...
Article 4 - Commercial Fishing in Public Impounded Waters and Navigable Streams.
Section 9-11-140 - Use of commercial fishing gear in public impounded waters and navigable streams - When, where, and how permitted.
Section 9-11-141 - Use of commercial fishing gear in public impounded waters and navigable streams - License - Required generally.
Section 9-11-142 - Use of commercial fishing gear in public impounded waters and navigable streams - License - Individual licenses required; exception for certain assistants.
Section 9-11-143 - Use of commercial fishing gear in public impounded waters and navigable streams - License - Issuance; fees; records; disposition of fees.
Section 9-11-144 - Use of commercial fishing gear in public impounded waters and navigable streams -License - Expiration.
Section 9-11-145 - Use of commercial fishing gear in public impounded waters and navigable streams - License - Forfeiture.
Section 9-11-146 - Disposition of proceeds from sale of licenses, etc.
Section 9-11-147 - Marking location of and identifying fishing gear.
Section 9-11-148 - Game fish taken to be returned to waters; possession of game fish by commercial fishermen.
Section 9-11-149 - Use of fishing gear within one-half mile below lock or dam.
Section 9-11-150 - Use of fishing gear within 100 yards of mouths of streams, etc., emptying into salt waters or bays.
Section 9-11-151 - Seizure, confiscation and disposition of fishing gear used in violation of article.
Section 9-11-152 - Shipment or transportation of fish taken in violation of article; seizure, confiscation and disposition of fish illegally transported or shipped.
Section 9-11-153 - Wholesale and retail freshwater nongame fish dealers' licenses; commercial paddlefish dealer’s license.
Section 9-11-154 - Records of wholesalers and retailers of freshwater nongame fish; inspection, etc., of records.
Section 9-11-155 - Applicability of provisions of article.
Section 9-11-156 - Penalties for violations of provisions of article.