(a) There is hereby established in the county a public corporation for the purposes herein specified, which corporation shall be vested with the powers conferred upon it by this part. The public corporation is at times hereinafter referred to as the bureau.
(b) Subject to the conditions and qualifications hereinafter stated, the name of the corporation shall be Greater ___________ Convention and Visitors Bureau. In the blank space shall be inserted the name of the largest city.
(c) The board of directors of the bureau may choose some name other than that above specified at any time it elects to do so; provided, however, that if the board of directors chooses any other name there shall be filed for record in the office of the judge of probate of the county a copy of the resolution of the board of directors stating the name adopted by the bureau, which resolution shall be followed by a certificate signed by the chairman of the board of directors stating the date on which the resolution was adopted and stating that the copy of the resolution preceding the certificate is a true and correct copy of the resolution adopted by the board of directors.