An appointing authority may, at any time, assign a classified employee under his or her jurisdiction from one position to another in the same class. Any classified employee, holding permanent status, may be transferred from one department to a position in the same class in another department or government, provided that the director has authorized the transfer and has received the consent of both appointing authorities concerned. Any person now or hereafter holding permanent status as an employee of the State of Alabama under the provisions of any present or future merit system or civil service law or any person now or hereafter holding permanent status in a position in the competitive classified service of the federal government, may be appointed by an appointing authority without examination to a position in the same or a similar class in the classified service herein set up, provided that any such appointment shall be recommended by the director to the board, and approved by the board. Upon the recommendation of the personnel director, the board is authorized by reason of the previous experience of the employee, to fix the beginning salary of such employee at an amount greater than the minimum but not exceeding maximum salary applicable to the grade or class of the position to which the employee is appointed. Former employees, who have earned permanent status and who have been separated from the service without fault or delinquency on their part, may within two years following their separation apply to the director to have their name entered on the eligible list for reemployment in positions of the same class or grade as formerly held. The director shall submit his or her recommendations to the board whose decision shall be final. No promotion, transfer, or reinstatement shall be made from a position in one class to a position in another class nor shall a person be transferred to or reinstated in a position for original entrance to which there is required by this part or the rules and regulations thereunder, an examination involving essential tests or qualifications different from or higher than those required for original entrance to the position held by such person except that such person takes and successfully passes such examinations as are prescribed by the director and approved by the board.