The board shall perform, but shall not be limited to, all of the following specific duties:
(1) Classify the various types of service under its jurisdiction.
(2) Prescribe minimum qualifications, including those of education, training, and experience to each classification of service.
(3) Provide a salary range, from minimum to maximum salary authorized, for each class of service; however, for a period of five years following December 16, 2016, the minimum salary for any class shall not be less than any existing pay plan for such class or service, provided further that after the five-year period has elapsed, the salary ranges prescribed by the board shall be used exclusively, subject to the budgetary approval of the county commission as otherwise required by state law.
(4) Classify and identify each position of the classified service existing in the present system to its proper class of service in the new system.
(5) Periodically provide for the rating of employees' performances in the new system.
(6) Establish rules governing appointments, promotions, salary increases or decreases, as well as layoffs, leaves of absence, suspensions, dismissals, terminations, and other disciplinary actions affecting employees.
(7) Hear and decide appeals submitted by any person in the classified service.
(8) Conduct investigations or hearings, examine witnesses under oath and compel their attendance or the production of evidence before it by subpoenas issued in the name of the Etowah County Sheriff's Personnel Board.
(9) Administer oaths to witnesses who appear before the board.