(a) The state youth services director shall have at a minimum a master's degree in behavioral or social science or a related field from an accredited school and shall have at least six years' experience in the field of services to children and youth, with at least three years of that experience being in the field of juvenile delinquency services. The last three years of such experience must have been in an administrative and/or management position with demonstrated competence as indicated by promotion or other indications of responsibility.
(b) The director may be removed from office by a vote of nine members of the board for reasons fully set forth in the minutes of the meeting at which such removal takes place.
(c) The director shall have the following powers and duties:
(1) Subject to the provisions of the state merit system, to appoint all officers and employees of the department, or to authorize any superintendent, division or bureau head or other administrator to select with his approval all staff members and employees.
(2) To exercise supervision over all the officers and employees of the department, and should any such officer or employee fail to perform faithfully any of the duties which are lawfully prescribed for him or if he fails or refuses to observe or conform to any rule, regulation or policy of the board, to remove him from office, in conformity with the state merit system law.
(3) To make agreements with the heads of other executive departments of the state providing for the coordination of the functions of the various departments of the state.
(4) Serve as the administrator of the Interstate Compact on Juveniles.