(a) The Legislative Reference Service shall review each rule certified to it by a state board or commission that regulates a profession, a controlling number of the members of which are active market participants in the profession, to determine whether the rule may significantly lessen competition and, if so, whether the rule was made pursuant to a clearly articulated state policy to displace competition.
(b) If the Legislative Reference Service determines that a rule subject to subsection (a) may significantly lessen competition, it shall determine whether the rule was made pursuant to a clearly articulated state policy to displace competition, and shall certify those determinations to the committee. The board or commission shall submit a position paper, a transcript of any public hearings regarding the rule, and any other material collected during the consideration of the rule by the board or commission to accompany the rule as it is submitted to the committee. Upon receipt of a certification under this subsection, the chair of the committee shall call a meeting of the committee to review the substance of the rule, determine whether the rule may significantly lessen competition, and if so, whether it was made pursuant to a clearly articulated state policy to displace competition. The committee shall approve, disapprove, disapprove with a suggested amendment, or allow the agency to withdraw the rule for revision. The committee shall conduct public hearings and shall allow public comment during its consideration of the rule. If the committee approves the rule, it shall issue a written statement explaining its rationale for approving the rule. If the committee fails to act on a rule certified to it pursuant to this subsection, the rule shall not become effective and shall be placed on the agenda of the committee at each subsequent meeting until the committee disposes of the rule.
(c) A state board or commission that regulates a profession, a controlling number of the members of which are active market participants in the profession, may submit a previously adopted rule, along with a position paper, a transcript of any public hearings regarding the rule, and any other material collected during the consideration of the rule, to the Legislative Reference Service for a determination of whether the previously adopted rule may significantly lessen competition and whether the rule was made pursuant to a clearly articulated state policy to displace competition. If the Legislative Reference Service makes those determinations, it shall notify the board or commission and certify the determinations to the committee. Upon receipt of a certification under this subsection, the chair of the committee shall call a meeting of the committee to review the substance of the rule and either approve the rule or notify the board or commission that it agrees with the determination of the Legislative Reference Service. If the committee approves the rule, it shall issue a written statement explaining its rationale for approving the rule. The committee shall take action on a rule submitted under this subsection within 45 days of receipt of certification from the Legislative Reference Service.
(d) The Legislative Reference Service shall review each proposed action submitted to it by a state board or commission that regulates a profession, a controlling number of the members of which are active market participants in the profession, to determine whether the action proposed may significantly lessen competition and, if so, whether the action was proposed pursuant to a clearly articulated state policy to displace competition.
(e) If the Legislative Reference Service determines that an action subject to subsection (d) may significantly lessen competition, it shall determine whether the action was proposed pursuant to a clearly articulated state policy to displace competition, and shall certify those determinations to the committee. The board or commission shall submit a position paper, a transcript of any public hearings regarding the action, and any other material collected during the consideration of the action by the board or commission to accompany the action as it is submitted to the committee. Upon receipt of a certification under this subsection, the chair of the committee shall call a meeting of the committee to review the substance of the action, determine whether the action may lessen or has significantly lessened competition and, if so, whether it was proposed pursuant to a clearly articulated state policy to displace competition. The committee shall approve, disapprove, or propose a modification of a proposed action. The committee may conduct public hearings and solicit public comment during its consideration of the action. When the committee approves, disapproves, or proposes a modification of the action, it shall issue a written statement explaining its rationale. If the committee fails to act on an action certified to it pursuant to subsection (d), the action shall be placed on the agenda of the committee at each subsequent meeting until the committee acts on the certified action. Due to the timely nature of actions, the certified actions shall be given priority in the work of the committee.
(f) In addition to the fee levied under Section 41-22-7(i), the Legislative Reference Service shall charge a board or commission that is subject to subsection (a) , which submits a previously adopted rule to the Legislative Reference Service under subsection (c), or which submits a proposed action under subsection (d), a fee in the amount necessary to recover the costs of the Legislative Reference Service in complying with this section.