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U.S. State Codes
Title 4 - Aviation.
Chapter 2 - Regulation of A...
Article 3 - Airspace, Air Navigation Facilities...
Article 3 - Airspace, Air Navigation Facilities, Aircraft, Airmen and Air Instruction.
Section 4-2-70 - State sovereignty over airspace; declaration of policy.
Section 4-2-71 - Formulation, adoption, etc., of aircraft approach plans by commission; air navigation hazards declared not in public interest; airspace reservations.
Section 4-2-72 - Approval of sites and licensing of airports, etc.; regulation of aircraft, airmen, air schools and instructors.
Section 4-2-73 - Operation of airport, landing field, etc., without license prohibited; application for certificate of approval of proposed airport or landing field site prior to acquisition of property required; limitation of operations conducted on licensed airport.
Section 4-2-74 - Certificate of approval or license for airport, landing field, etc. — Notice; public hearing; order.
Section 4-2-75 - Certificate of approval or license for airport, landing field, etc. — Standards for issuance.
Section 4-2-76 - Operation as airman or operation, etc., of aircraft without federal license, certificate or permit.
Section 4-2-77 - Operation of air or ground school, etc., without federal license, certificate or permit.
Section 4-2-78 - Possession, display, etc., of federal airman and aircraft license, certificate or permit and of state registration; display of state airport license.
Section 4-2-79 - Revocation of airport, etc., certificate of approval or license; suspension of operations of aircraft, airmen, air schools, airports, etc., under certain circumstances.
Section 4-2-80 - Exceptions.