(a) Each municipal governing body and county commission in this state, may, by ordinance or resolution, require that all new public buildings or structures hereafter planned or constructed and any additions to existing buildings or structures hereafter planned or constructed be so planned and constructed that fallout protection from radioactivity for at least the normal anticipated occupancy will be provided. Said municipal governing body or county commission may require that such radioactive fallout protection meet the minimum space and fallout protection criteria recommended by the Office of Civil Defense, United States Department of Defense, at the time of the beginning of the planning of such building or structure. In no case, however, shall a requirement be made if the cost of inclusion of radioactive fallout protection in such building or structure would create an additional net cost in the cost of any such building or structure in excess of the percentages of the estimated costs of such building or structure as follows:
(1) Four percent for costs of $50,000.00 to $500,000.00.
(2) Three percent for costs of $500,001.00 to $1,500,000.00.
(3) Two percent for costs exceeding $1,500,001.00.
(b) The provisions of this section are in addition to any other powers and authorities heretofore conferred upon municipal and county governing bodies relating to regulations to buildings and structures and the provisions of this section are cumulative thereto.