(a) Any active and contributing member of any one of the State of Alabama retirement systems who has been such a member for six consecutive years or more or any former such member who has vested retirement benefits may hereby claim and purchase credit in his or her respective retirement system for up to four years' time which such member has served in the military service of the Armed Forces of the United States exclusive of any weekend or state active military service in any reserve or National Guard component of any branch of the armed forces, provided said member or former member has not received credit toward retirement status in such retirement system for said military service, and further provided that such member or former member shall receive no credit for military service if such member or former member is receiving military service retirement benefits other than disability allowance or benefits from any branch of the United States Armed Forces or by reason of any such service in any branch of the armed forces; and provided further that any discharge received by any such member or former member from any of the claimed military service has been honorable.
(b) Any member or former member eligible to claim and purchase credit for service under subsection (a) of this section shall be awarded such credit under any such Retirement System of Alabama provided he or she shall pay into his or her respective retirement system or fund prior to said member or former member's date of retirement and prior to October 1, 1986 a sum of money which is equal to both the member's and the state's annual contribution into the respective retirement system or fund at the time of election to purchase the aforesaid credit multiplied by each year or fraction thereof of military service credit desired. In the case of a former member, such sum would be an amount equal to the annual contribution such former member and the state would pay if he or she were currently an active and contributing member at the time of said election.
(c) The provisions of this section to reopen the retirement system or fund for military service credit shall terminate October 1, 1986, and no one shall be eligible to utilize any of the options granted herein if not fully exercised and paid prior to October 1, 1986.