The board shall have the power to annul and revoke any certificate of registration for incompetency, intemperance, immorality, or unprofessional conduct on the part of the holder of such certificate, after a full and fair investigation and hearing of the charges preferred. Such charges shall be submitted in writing and under oath, and 30 days prior to the hearing thereof a copy of the charges shall be furnished the accused together with a written notice of the time and place where the charges will be heard and determined. The president and secretary-treasurer of the board are hereby empowered to administer oaths to the witnesses at any such hearing, and all witnesses shall be sworn and shall be subject to prosecution for perjury as provided by law; and the accused shall be entitled to representation by council. No revocation shall be made except upon a majority vote of the full board, and upon the revocation of any certificate same shall be null and void, and the secretary-treasurer shall strike the name of the holder thereof from the roll of registered medical technologists.