Any training school for medical technicians which is listed and approved by the Council on Medical Education and Hospitals of the American Medical Association shall be deemed an approved training school within the meaning hereof. If not so listed and approved, the question of whether such training school has the standing and qualifications to meet the requirements of an approved training school within the meaning of this chapter shall be determined by the State Board of Censors of the Medical Association of the State of Alabama. The Board of Censors shall not approve for the purpose of this chapter any training school unless the same is an institution laboratory (hospital, school, public health laboratory, biological laboratory, clinical laboratory) whose laboratory procedures are under the guidance of a qualified director and which maintains adequate equipment and space as well as a variety of specimens which must number not less than 1,500 per month; provided, that the Board of Censors may approve institution laboratories which provide less than 1,500 specimens per month by requiring of applicants who have received their training thereat a proportionately longer period of training. In the case of hospital or clinical laboratories, the director of the laboratory must be a physician-pathologist; in the case of Board of Health laboratories, the director of the laboratory must hold a Ph.D., or a doctor of medicine degree; provided further, that the Board of Censors may approve institution laboratories which provide less than 1,500 specimens per month, by requiring of applicants who have received their training thereat a proportionately longer period of training.