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U.S. State Codes
Title 32 - Motor Vehicles a...
Chapter 5A - Rules of the R...
Article 5 - Right-of-way.
Article 5 - Right-of-way.
Section 32-5A-110 - Vehicle approaching or entering intersection.
Section 32-5A-111 - Vehicle turning left.
Section 32-5A-112 - Vehicle entering stop or yield intersection; collision as prima facie evidence of failure to yield.
Section 32-5A-113 - Authority to designate through highways and stop and yield intersections.
Section 32-5A-114 - Vehicles entering highway from private road or roadway.
Section 32-5A-115 - Operation of vehicles on approach of authorized emergency vehicles; signals on emergency vehicles; duty of emergency vehicle driver.
Section 32-5A-116 - Highway construction and maintenance.