(a) Except as provided in Section 32-20-21 or subsection (b), every owner of a manufactured home designated a 1990 year model and not more than 20 model years old, as determined by the department, and all models subsequent thereto which is in this state and for which no certificate of title has been issued by the department, shall make application to a designated agent as herein defined for a certificate of title to the manufactured home, or to each unit thereof if the manufactured home consists of more than one unit.
(b) If a manufactured home not more than 20 model years old, as determined by the department, is permanently affixed to a parcel of real property and the ownership of the manufactured home and real property is identical, the original retail purchaser or lienholder for the original retail purchaser as recorded on the certificate of origin or the titled owner or owners lienholder recorded on the certificate of title may apply for a cancellation of a certificate of origin or certificate of title through a designated agent and obtain from the Alabama Department of Revenue a certificate of cancellation of the certificate of origin or cancellation of the certificate of title to the manufactured home by delivering to the department, all of the following:
(1) The certificate of origin or certificate of title to the manufactured home, or each separate certificate of origin or certificate of title if the manufactured home consists of more than one unit or, in lieu thereof, post a bond in accordance with the provisions of subdivision (2) of Section 32-20-24.
(2) Lien release from lienholder as recorded on the certificate of title or, in lieu thereof, post a bond in accordance with the provisions of subdivision (2) of Section 32-20-24.
(3) An affidavit executed by all who have an ownership interest in the manufactured home and the realty to which the manufactured home has become permanently affixed to the effect that the manufactured home is permanently affixed to the realty described in the deed and containing written verification from the judge of probate that the manufactured home has been recorded as being permanently affixed and recorded as real property in that county.
(c) If a manufactured home for which the certificate of origin or certificate of title has been cancelled as provided in this section or previously cancelled under Section 32-8-30, is subsequently detached from the realty to which it became permanently affixed, the current owner or owners must reapply for a new certificate of title, post a bond in accordance with the provisions of subdivision (2) of Section 32-20-24, and pay the required fee specified in Section 32-20-4, for the manufactured home, or if in more than one section, for each component unit.
(d) Any dealer, acting for himself, herself, or another, who sells, trades, or otherwise transfers any manufactured home required to be titled under this chapter who does not comply with the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a Class B misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500).
(e) The department shall maintain a record of all certificates of title and manufacturer's certificate of origin that are cancelled pursuant to this section:
(1) Under a distinctive title number if a certificate of title was issued and subsequently cancelled.
(2) Under the manufactured home identification number.
(3) Under the name of the owner on whose behalf the certificate of title or certificate of origin is cancelled.
(4) In the discretion of the department, by any other method the department determines.