(a) Title 24 shall not apply to prefabricated storm shelters not equipped with electrical, plumbing, heating, or utility service lines, and which meet all of the following:
(1) Is a temporary safe place during storms as stated in Federal Emergency Management Agency Publication 320 or 361 or their successors.
(2) Includes plans for the construction of the shelter that are stamped, dated, and signed by a licensed engineer or a registered architect.
(3) States in a conspicuous place on the first blueprint page: "This shelter design complies with applicable standards as provided in the current Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) publication and International Code Council (ICC-500) Codes."
(4) Includes shelter occupancy information on the notes page of the shelter blueprints stating: "According to the current FEMA and ICC-500 standards, this shelter will accommodate (X) standing adults (5 SF/Person), (Y) people in wheelchairs (10 SF/Person), and (Z) bedridden people."
(b) All resident and nonresident manufacturers of prefabricated storm shelters selling prefabricated storm shelters in this state shall annually deliver to the Alabama Emergency Management Agency a good and sufficient surety bond, executed by the applicant as principal and by a corporate surety company qualified to do business in the state as surety, in the sum of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000). The bond shall be in a form to be approved by the agency, and shall be conditioned upon the manufacturer's compliance with the requirements for prefabricated storm shelters provided in subsection (a).