(a) Beginning on August 21, 2001, the department shall compile and update as necessary an inventory of all qualifying properties for which a voluntary properties assessment plan or cleanup plan has been approved by the department. At least annually, beginning July 1, 2002, the department shall send a copy of the inventory with the properties listed by county to the clerk of each probate court of the state, who shall place and maintain the most current copy of the inventory in the room or rooms in which the deed records of the county are kept. The inventory shall be called the Voluntary Cleanup Properties Inventory. The inventory shall include all the following information:
(1) The name of the property or another description identifying the property.
(2) The location of the property.
(3) The name of the owner of the property at the time of the property's inclusion in the inventory.
(4) A general description of the voluntary property assessment plan or voluntary cleanup plan.
(5) If a property is to be cleaned up to standards less stringent than those required for unrestricted residential use, a description of the standards to which the property will be cleaned up and of any use restrictions which are imposed due to the nonresidential remediation.
(b) Beginning August 21, 2001, the property owner of any property listed on the inventory which is designated as having been cleaned up to standards less stringent than those required for unrestricted residential use shall include the following notice in any deed, mortgage, deed to secure debt, lease, rental agreement, or other instrument given or caused to be given by the property owner which creates an interest in the property:
"This property has been listed on the state's Voluntary Cleanup Properties Inventory and has been cleaned up to standards less stringent than those required for unrestricted residential use due to the presence of substances regulated under state law. Certain uses of this property may require additional cleanup. Contact the property owner or the Alabama Department of Environmental Management for further information concerning this property. This notice is provided in compliance with the Alabama Land Recycling and Economic Redevelopment Act."
(c) Upon a written determination by the department that a property has been cleaned up to standards suitable for unrestricted residential use, the notices required by subsection (b) shall be removed from the subject property records for the property.