The board may deny an application of an assistant to physician requesting a Qualified Alabama Controlled Substances Registration Certificate, deny a request for a renewal of a QACSC, or initiate disciplinary action against an assistant to physician possessing a Qualified Alabama Controlled Substances Registration Certificate based on the following grounds:
(1) Fraud or deceit in applying for, procuring, or attempting to procure a Qualified Alabama Controlled Substances Registration Certificate in the State of Alabama.
(2) Conviction of a crime under any state or federal law relating to any controlled substance.
(3) Conviction of a crime or offense which affects the ability of the assistant to physician to practice with due regard for the health or safety of his or her patients.
(4) Prescribing a drug or utilizing a Qualified Alabama Controlled Substances Registration Certificate in such a manner as to endanger the health of any person or patient of the assistant to physician or supervising physician.
(5) Suspension or revocation of the registration number issued to the assistant to physician by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration.
(6) Excessive dispensing or prescribing of any drug to any person or patient of the assistant to physician or supervising physician.
(7) Unfitness or incompetence due to the use of or dependence on alcohol, chemicals, or any mood altering drug to such an extent as to render the assistant to physician unsafe or unreliable to prescribe drugs or to hold a Qualified Alabama Controlled Substances Registration Certificate.
(8) Any violation of a requirement set forth in this article or a rule adopted pursuant to this article.