The State Board of Education may intervene in the educational operations of a city or county board of education and thereby assume general and direct control over all decision making and operational functions of the city or county board of education under and subject to the following terms and conditions:
(1) If the State Superintendent of Education determines that a majority of the schools in the system are priority schools, or the system is not in compliance with Chapter 13A of this title or the accreditation status of the system or a majority of the schools in the system has been placed on probation, or suspended, or revoked, or if any other formal disciplinary action has been ordered by the accrediting authority, the State Superintendent of Education shall issue a written notice to the local superintendent of education and the presiding officer of the city or county board of education to show cause why educational intervention should not be implemented. The notice shall specify the deficiencies within the operation of the city or county board of education, the steps that are required to be taken to correct the deficiencies, and a reasonable timetable for completing the corrective measures, which timetable may be extended by the State Superintendent of Education. The notice shall require that the recipient board provide a specific written response to the notice, which response shall be filed with the State Superintendent of Education not less than 21 calendar days after the date the notice was issued, unless the time for filing the response is extended by the State Superintendent of Education. In its response, the city or county board of education may offer reasons why intervention is not warranted or, in the alternative, a specific plan and timetable for correcting the deficiencies identified in the notice to show cause.
(2) If, based on the response of the city or county board of education to the notice to show cause or other relevant circumstances and considerations, the State Superintendent of Education determines that educational intervention is not warranted or should be deferred, the city or county board of education shall be notified of such determination.
(3) If, in light of the response of the city or county board of education, the State Superintendent of Education concludes that educational intervention is nonetheless warranted, but that the plan proposed by the city or county board of education for correcting the deficiencies set forth in the notice is acceptable, with or without such modifications as may be required by the State Superintendent of Education, the city or county board of education shall be notified of such determination. The plan, with any modifications thereto that may be required by the State Superintendent of Education, shall thereafter be implemented according to its terms.
(4) If the approved plan is not implemented or if the response to the notice to show cause does not include a plan that, in the judgment of the State Superintendent of Education, adequately addresses the deficiencies that prompted issuance of the notice, the State Superintendent of Education shall request in writing that the State Board of Education approve a resolution authorizing the State Superintendent of Education to intervene in the operations of the city or county board of education. The request of the State Superintendent of Education shall include a description of the conditions and circumstances supporting the request, a copy of the response of the city or county board of education to the notice to show cause why educational intervention should not be implemented, an explanation of why the response of the city or county board of education to the notice to show cause does not adequately address the deficiencies identified in the notice, and a proposed plan for correcting the deficiencies. The city or county board of education that is the subject of the request shall be notified thereof by the State Superintendent of Education and shall be provided with a copy of the request of the State Superintendent of Education and any material accompanying or submitted in support of the request. Before any vote of the State Board of Education on the request, the city or county board of education that is the subject of the request shall be afforded an opportunity to demonstrate in writing to the State Board of Education why such action is not warranted or should not be approved and to appear before the State Board of Education for such purpose prior to a vote being taken on the request for educational intervention.
(5) The State Board of Education shall authorize intervention under this chapter on the basis of the deficiencies and supporting data cited in support of the request for intervention authority of the State Superintendent of Education and upon a finding that the city or county board of education has demonstrated an unwillingness or inability to voluntarily comply with the standards provided in subdivision (1) and the requirements specified in the request of the State Superintendent of Education. The resolution by which educational intervention is authorized shall describe with reasonable specificity the criteria or conditions that are required to be satisfied by the city or county board of education in order to be released from intervention. If the State Board of Education approves a resolution authorizing educational intervention, the State Superintendent of Education may exercise plenary authority to make such decisions or take such actions as he or she reasonably deems necessary to correct the deficiencies that led to the request for approval of intervention or that may be discovered in the exercise of intervention authority. Educational intervention authority may be exercised directly by the State Superintendent of Education or indirectly through his or her designee acting as a chief administrative officer who shall be appointed by, report to, and serve in such capacity at the pleasure and under the supervision of the State Superintendent of Education. The chief administrative officer may act on behalf of the State Superintendent of Education for all purposes under this chapter. If the State Superintendent of Education appoints a chief administrative officer, that officer shall be designated by name in a resolution presented to the State Board of Education.
(6) While a city or county board of education is operating under educational intervention, the State Superintendent of Education or the chief administrative officer shall have the power and authority to act for and on behalf of the city or county board of education and its superintendent in all matters and for all purposes under the Code of Alabama 1975. No decision, action, or undertaking made or approved by the State Superintendent of Education or chief administrative officer shall require the separate recommendation, concurrence, or approval of any city or county board of education or any official thereof in order to be deemed final, valid, or enforceable. While under educational intervention, a city or county board of education, with the approval of the State Superintendent of Education or the chief administrative officer, may meet according to a schedule and agenda that are approved in advance by the State Superintendent of Education or the chief administrative officer and are subject to modification only at the direction or with the express approval of the State Superintendent of Education or the chief administrative officer. Otherwise, the city or county board of education shall meet only at the call of and for specific purposes approved by the State Superintendent of Education or the chief administrative officer. While under educational intervention, city and county boards of education and their officials and employees shall serve under the supervision and direction of the State Superintendent of Education or the chief administrative officer. The State Superintendent of Education or the chief administrative officer may delegate to the employees of the State Department of Education or city or county board of education officials or employees such administrative authority and responsibilities as they may deem necessary to ensure the timely, practical, and efficient execution of normal educational functions, and, at the expense of the city or county board of education, may engage and direct the activities of such consultants, specialists, or employees as they deem necessary to achieve the objectives of the intervention.
(7) Personnel actions that the State Superintendent of Education or the chief administrative officer deem necessary and appropriate to the attainment of intervention objectives may be implemented directly by such officials. Personnel actions taken pursuant to the intervention authority of the State Superintendent of Education must comply with Chapter 24C of this title, the Students First Act of 2011, if and to the extent that the Students First Act of 2011 would otherwise control, except that the State Superintendent of Education shall discharge the functions that would otherwise be executed by the local superintendent and board of education under the Students First Act of 2011. Intervention-related personnel actions shall also be described by the State Superintendent of Education or the chief administrative officer in a written report that shall include the specific personnel actions to be taken and an explanation of how such actions serve the attainment of one or more intervention objectives. At the direction of the State Superintendent of Education or the chief administrative officer, and as soon as practicable following its issuance, the report shall be entered into the minutes of the city or county board of education and the nature of individual personnel actions shall be suitably memorialized in the personnel files of affected employees and in databases or other records maintained for such purposes by the city or county board of education. No delay or irregularity in the transmittal or recordation of the foregoing report or related data shall invalidate or impair the timely implementation of intervention-related personnel actions as prescribed by the State Superintendent of Education or the chief administrative officer. Personnel actions that are deemed advisable or appropriate but that are not identified as related to the attainment of intervention objectives by the State Superintendent of Education or the chief administrative officer may be initiated and acted on by city or county board officials. Such actions shall be taken in accordance with Chapter 24C of this title, the Students First Act of 2011, or other generally applicable statutory requirements, policies, and procedures if the proposed actions would otherwise be subject to such statutes, policies, and procedures and if they are first authorized by the State Superintendent of Education or the chief administrative officer.
(8) The State Superintendent of Education shall report to the State Board of Education regarding the status of intervention in the affected city or county system periodically or at the request of the State Board of Education and, in any event, not less than once every six months.
(9) A city or county board of education may be released from educational intervention upon the adoption of a resolution by the State Board of Education authorizing such action. The resolution shall be considered by the State Board of Education upon the written recommendation of the State Superintendent of Education or upon presentation of a written petition requesting such action duly executed by at least two-thirds of the members of the city or county board of education that is operating under educational intervention. The petition shall set forth the grounds on which the petition is based and may include any evidence that may be relevant to consideration by the State Board of Education. Representatives of the city or county board of education may also be heard in connection with the petition, but no vote shall be taken on the petition by the State Board of Education without first soliciting the views of the State Superintendent of Education regarding the merits of the petition.