The Board of Trustees of Jacksonville State University shall hold its regular annual meeting each year at the university on the third Monday in October, unless the board shall, in regular session, determine to hold its meeting at some other time and place. Special meetings of the board may be assembled by either one of the two methods outlined as follows:
(1) Special meetings of the board may be called by the Governor. In calling such special meetings the Governor shall mail a written notice to each trustee at least 10 days in advance of the date of such meetings.
(2) Upon the application in writing of any three members of the board, the Governor shall call a special meeting, naming the time and place thereof and causing notices to be issued in writing to the several members of the board. Such meeting shall not be held on a date less than 10 days subsequent to the notice from the Governor.
(3) An emergency meeting of the board may be called when circumstances exist that are deemed by the Governor, by the president pro tempore of the board, or by three members of the board to present a risk to personal health, safety, or property or to the operation of the university. The three board members shall communicate their request for an emergency meeting to the Governor or to the president pro tempore of the board by the most expedient means available to them. Notice of an emergency meeting shall be given at least 72 hours before the time the meeting is to commence, unless the circumstances of the emergency are such that the meeting is required to convene sooner.