(a) The state Budget Officer shall allocate to the State Board of Education, the boards of trustees of the public universities, the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind, the Board of Youth Services School District, the Board of Directors of the Alabama School of Fine Arts, and the Board of Trustees of the Alabama High School of Mathematics and Science for disbursement to the employees thereof funds based on the criteria established in this section. It is not the intent of this section to make appropriations, but the appropriations required by this section shall be made in the annual budget act for the public schools and colleges.
(1) CERTIFICATED PERSONNEL (K-12). For the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1998, and each year thereafter, each cell on the State Minimum Salary Schedule contained in the annual budget act for the public schools shall be increased by eight and one-half percent (8.5%) in addition to the amounts contained in the State Minimum Salary Schedule for the 1997-98 annual budget act for the public schools as required and provided by Sections 16-6B-8 and 16-13-231. Each certificated employee, including Adult Basic Education and Science in Motion employees, shall be guaranteed a pay increase in the amount of eight and one-half percent (8.5%) and such pay increase shall be reflected in the appropriate local salary schedule and paid to each certificated employee. The provisions and requirements of this section shall be in addition to the provisions of Section 16-13-231.1, relating to the State Minimum Salary Schedule. Each certificated employee shall be properly placed on the state salary matrix according to degree earned and years of public education service (either in-state or out-of-state). The employee shall be paid according to degree earned and length of public education experience. The pay increases shall be given to each person employed for the 1998-99 fiscal year in addition to any step increase to which the employee is otherwise entitled. The local board of education shall transmit to the State Department of Education the appropriate notice of the earned advanced degree for each employee in a timely fashion; thereafter, the employee shall be paid for the advanced degree as soon as the degree is certified to the State Department of Education as being earned. Each teacher who successfully passes or has passed the test offered by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) shall be entitled to an additional $1,500 per year and given to the teacher for each year thereafter. Payment for passing the NBPTS test shall be appropriated from the Education Trust Fund and shall be given to the qualified teacher in a lump sum payment during the month of October each year after the teacher passes the test. Those teachers who passed the NBPTS exam in previous years shall also be entitled to the annual $1,500 pay per year beginning October 1, 1998.
(2) EDUCATION SUPPORT PERSONNEL (K-12). An eight and one-half percent (8.5%) salary increase shall be paid to each public education support worker and adult bus driver employed for the 1998-99 fiscal year in addition to the salary received during the 1997-98 fiscal year, except employees covered under the state's Merit System at the Department of Youth Services District. Each governing board of authority shall establish and maintain a salary schedule for each class and type of employee and each step of each salary schedule shall be increased to reflect an eight and one-half percent (8.5%) pay increase which shall be given to the person employed for the 1998-99 fiscal year and each year employed thereafter. No state-provided fringe benefits for any lunchroom worker shall be paid from lunchroom sales or from any other aspect of the Child Nutrition Program. Salary increases provided herein and state-provided fringe benefits are funded from the annual budget act for the public schools and shall not be taken from the Child Nutrition Program.
(3) AIDB. An eight and one-half percent (8.5%) salary increase shall be given to each person employed by the Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind for the 1998-99 fiscal year in addition to the salary received during the 1997-98 fiscal year. The board shall establish and maintain a salary schedule for each class and type of employee and each step of each salary schedule shall be increased to reflect an eight and one-half percent (8.5%) pay increase which shall be given to each person employed for the 1998-99 fiscal year and each year employed thereafter.
(4) TWO-YEAR POSTSECONDARY INSTITUTIONS. The State Board of Education shall revise all salary schedules of the two-year postsecondary institutions to reflect an increase of eight and one-half percent (8.5%) for 1998-99 fiscal year. The pay increases shall be given to each person employed in addition to any step increase to which the employee is otherwise entitled. The State Board of Education shall add a new step to all salary schedules. The new step shall be "Step 20." The number of increments between Steps 15 and 20 shall be the same as existed in fiscal year 1997-98 which separated Steps 10 and 15. In addition, employees who have reached the maximum salary on the C-3 salary schedule and who have 20 or more years of service shall be given a 6.5% increase in salary. The Postsecondary Education Department shall take proper steps to ensure that employees on all salary schedules are given full credit for prior work experience in the public schools and colleges, and shall take care to ensure proper placements on the salary schedules. Placement on the revised salary schedules shall be in accordance with the employee's length of service in public education. No pay increase shall be given to any two-year postsecondary employee in excess of eight and one-half percent (8.5%), except as specifically provided in this section.
(5) PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES. It is the intent of the Legislature that the colleges and universities listed below shall utilize a. the savings realized from the reduction in the Teachers' Retirement System employer rate and b. the respective increases in the state appropriations, for cost-of-living increases/pay raises for their personnel. This subdivision shall apply to the following colleges and universities: 1. Alabama A and M University; 2. Alabama State University; 3. University of Alabama System; 4. Auburn University System; 5. Jacksonville State University; 6. University of Montevallo; 7. University of North Alabama; 8. University of South Alabama; 9. Troy State University System; and 10. University of West Alabama.
(b) The following provisions are hereby established:
(1) FISCAL YEAR. All salaries and salary increases which are established by the Legislature or authorized by the State Board of Education shall be paid in full to each person employed before the end of the applicable fiscal year as defined in Section 16-1-1.
(2) EXTENDED WORK. Public school employees on contracts which extend beyond 180 days shall be given a pro rata salary increment for each day or partial day of work extending beyond 180 days.
(3) LOCAL INCREMENT. Any cost-of-living adjustment and/or increase on the State Minimum Salary Schedule for teachers as provided in this section shall be exclusive of any local pay increase granted or due to teachers under provisions of the local salary schedule. Any cost-of-living adjustment and/or pay increase required by this section for public school support personnel shall be in addition to any local pay increase granted or due to the employees under provisions of the local salary schedules.
(4) REDUCED PAY. No employee shall be dismissed or have his or her work hours reduced or extended or have his or her salary reduced due to the provisions of any pay raise enacted by the Legislature or required by the State Board of Education.
(5) COMMUNITY EDUCATION. Each county and city board of education shall have the option to exclude from the provisions of this section any community education or school-sponsored child care or child enrichment program which is supplemental to the state-required educational program.
(6) LOCAL CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERS. The pay raise provisions of this section shall not apply to superintendents of education or the chief executive officers of any school system. Any pay increase given to the superintendent shall be by recorded vote of the governing board of authority.