Sanitary facilities and accommodations shall be furnished by every inspected plant. Of these the following are specifically required:
Dressing rooms, toilet rooms, and urinals shall be sufficient in number, ample in size, and conveniently located. They shall be properly lighted and ventilated and of sanitary construction. They shall be separate from the rooms and compartments in which certified products are prepared, stored or handled.
Modern hand-washing basins, including running hot and cold water, soap and towels shall be placed in or near toilet rooms.
Toilet soil lines shall be separate from house drainage lines to a point outside the buildings and drainage from toilet soil lines shall not be discharged into a grease catchbasin.
Properly located facilities shall be provided for cleansing utensils and hands of all persons handling or preparing any products to be certified.
Equipment and utensils used for preparing any products to be certified shall be of such material and construction as will make them susceptible of being readily and thoroughly cleaned.
Trucks and receptacles used for inedible materials shall be of such construction as to permit ready and thorough cleansing, shall bear a conspicuous and distinctive mark, and shall be used exclusively for handling inedible material.
Rooms, compartments, places, equipment and utensils used for preparing, storing or otherwise handling any certified products, and all other parts of the inspected plant, shall be kept clean. There shall be no handling or storing of materials which creates an objectionable condition in rooms, compartments or places where certified products are prepared, stored or otherwise handled.