General. Within the limit of funds available for such purpose, the NIFA ADO shall make Federal assistance awards to those responsible, eligible applicants whose applications are judged most meritorious under the procedures set forth in the RFA. The date specified by the NIFA ADO as the effective date of the award shall be no later than September 30th of the Federal fiscal year in which the project is approved for support and funds are appropriated for such purpose, unless otherwise permitted by law. It should be noted that the project need not be initiated on the award effective date, but as soon thereafter as practical so that project goals may be attained within the funded project period. All funds awarded by NIFA shall be expended solely for the purpose for which the funds are awarded in accordance with the approved application and budget, the regulations, the terms and conditions of the award, the applicable Federal cost principles, and the Department's assistance regulations (e.g., 2 CFR part 200).
Notice of Award. The notice of award document (i.e., Form NIFA-2009, Award Face Sheet) will provide pertinent instructions and information noted in section 210 of 2 CFR part 200.
Center of Excellence. Applicant's Notice of Award will reflect that, for that particular grant program, the applicant meets all of the requirements of a center of excellence. Entities recognized as a center of excellence will maintain that distinction for the duration of their award or as identified in the terms and conditions of that award.