In addition to the application material specific to the applicable program identified in § 1980.1002, each applicant seeking funding under this subpart must provide the information specified in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section.
Applicant. The applicant must submit:
Name of the applicant;
Telephone number of the applicant;
Email address of the applicant; and
A statement indicating whether or not the applicant is or includes one of the following:
State government;
County government;
Municipal government; or
Tribal government.
Plan. Each application must include the following information:
The name of the Plan the Project supports;
The date the Plan became effective;
The dates the Plan is to remain in effect;
Contact information for the entity(ies) approving the Plan, including name(s), telephone number(s), and email address(es);
As found in the most current version of the Plan, the name and description of each objective that the Project will directly support;
A description of the service area of the Plan;
Documentation that the Plan was developed through the collaboration of multiple stakeholders in the service area of the Plan, including the participation of combinations of stakeholders;
Documentation that the Plan demonstrates an understanding of the applicable region's assets that could support the Plan;
Documentation indicating whether or not the Plan includes monetary or non-monetary contributions from Federal agencies other than the U.S. Department of Agriculture;
Documentation indicating whether or not the Plan includes monetary or non-monetary contributions from one or more Philanthropic organizations.
Documentation that the Plan contains:
Clear objectives and
The ability to establish measurable performance measures and to track progress towards meeting the Plan's objectives; and
If available, a Web site address link to the Plan.
Project. Each application must include the following information:
The name of the Project;
Sufficient detail to allow the Agency to determine that the Project has been Carried Out Solely in a rural area as defined in § 1980.1005;
A detailed description of how the Project directly supports each objective identified under paragraph (b)(5) of this section; and
If the application is from an applicant that includes a State, county, municipal, or tribal government, a letter from the appropriate entity(ies) indicating that:
The Project is consistent with the Plan and
The Plan has been Adopted.
Agency coordination. To help ensure coordination among the programs included in this subpart, the Agency is requiring applicants provide the Agency the information in paragraphs (d)(1) through (3) of this section.
Program areas. Identify the program area(s) (i.e., Community Facilities, Water and Waste, Rural Business and Cooperative Development) from which funds are being sought.
Multiple applications. If the applicant is submitting in the same fiscal year more than one application for funding under this subpart, identify in each application the other application(s) by providing:
The name(s) of the Project(s);
The program area(s) for which funds are being sought; and
The date that each application was submitted to the Agency.
Previous applicants. If the applicant has previously submitted one or more applications for funding under this subpart, the applicant must provide in the current application the following information for each previous application:
The date the application was submitted;
The name of the Project;
The program area(s) from which funds were sought;
Whether or not the Project was selected for funding; and
If the Project was selected for funding,
The name(s) of the specific program(s) that provided the funding;
The date and amount of the award; and
Whether any of the funding came from the funds reserved under this subpart.