General. Collections of delinquent debts through administrative offset will be in accordance with 7 CFR part 3, subpart B, and paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section.
Offsetting entities. Collections of delinquent debts through administrative offset may be taken against a debtor's pro rata share of payments due any entity in which the debtor participates when:
It is determined that FSA has a legally enforceable right under state law or Federal law, including program regulations at 7 CFR 792.7(l) and 1403.7(q), to pursue the entity payment;
A debtor has created a shell corporation before receiving a loan, or after receiving a loan, established an entity, or has reorganized, transferred ownership of, or otherwise changed in some manner the debtor's operation or the operation of a related entity for the purpose of avoiding payment of the FSA, FLP debt or otherwise circumventing Agency regulations;
Assets used in the entity's operation include assets pledged as security to the Agency which have been transferred to the entity without payment to the Agency of the value of the security or Agency consent to transfer of the assets;
A corporation to which a payment is due is the alter ego of a debtor; or
A debtor participates in, either directly or indirectly, the entity as determined by FSA.
Other remedies. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to limit remedies otherwise available to the Agency under other applicable law.