§ 1948.53 - Definitions.

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Approved designated area. A group of counties, a county, or a part of a county designated as an energy impacted area by the Governor of a State and approved by the Secretary of Energy.

Available financial resources. All existing financial resources which could be used for impact assistance including Federal, State, and local financial resources and financial resources accruing to States and local governments as a result of coal or uranium development activity and not already committed to other programs by low or historical precedent.

Coal. Coal means anthracite and bituminous coal, lignite, and any fuel derivative thereof.

Coal or uranium development activities. The production, processing, or transportation of coal or uranium.

Production includes the mining of coal or uranium and all mine site operations connected with such mining operations and processing activities. This includes construction activities on mine sites relating to mining, production, and processing.

Processing includes all operations performed on coal or uranium including construction of processing plants. However, processing does not include conversion into electrical energy.

Transportation which directly relates to the production and processing of coal or uranium including transportation networks in the county of origin of the coal or uranium and counties of processing of coal and uranium. This includes transportation depots along transportation networks that are used primarily for the transfer of coal or uranium for domestic consumption. This also includes unit train rolling stock construction and repair facilities.

Condemnation by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The use of Federal authority by the Secretary of Agriculture to condemn real property.

Council of local governments. An areawide development organization which includes one or more local governments servicing at least a portion of an approved designated area. Such organization must either have a policymaking body made up of a majority of local elected officials.

Eligible employment. Full time work related to coal or uranium development activities.

Eligible employment facility. A coal or uranium mine, processing plant, or transportation depot.

Energy impacted areas. An area where coal and uranium development activities have a significant impact on the socio-economic structure of the area and which meet the criteria set out at § 1948.68 of this subpart.

Fair market value. The price at which a property will sell in the open market allowing a reasonable period of time for typical, fully-informed buyers and sellers to react, assuming that the purchaser and seller are both willing participants in the transaction.

Grantee. An entity with whom FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 has entered into a grant agreement under this program.

Growth management planning. Planning for the orderly development of an approved designated area. This planning includes, but is not limited to: Planning for provision of resources to support housing, public facility needs, sewer and water needs; planning for the provision of additional public services needed; overall plans for the coordinated development of all approved designated areas within a State; the development of State Investment Strategies for Energy Impacted Areas; and coordination of development of approved designated areas at the interstate level where impact is interstate in nature.

Housing planning. Identification of present and future housing needs within an approved designated area and providing methods for developing needed housing. This planning includes, but is not limited to the identification of: housing sites; housing site development needs; data and resource needs; funding needs; acquisition methods; and agencies of government responsible for delivery of housing services.

Industry reports. Those reports concerning production, expected production, and employment within an approved designated area which are requested by the Governor and submitted by a person to the Secretary of Energy.

Local government. Any county, parish, city, town, township, village, or other general purpose political subdivision of a State with the power to levy taxes and expend Federal, State, and local funds and exercise governmental powers and which is located in, or has authority over, the energy impact area. With the concurrence of the Governor, the term may also include such school, water, sewer, highway, or other public special purpose districts or authorities, or public or private nonprofit corporations as may be appropriate to carry out the purpose for which a grant is being made. These corporations or special purpose districts or authorities may apply (including applications previously received) for grants from fiscal year 1981 and earlier fiscal year funds only.

Person. Any corporation, individual, partnership, company, association, firm, institution, society, trust, joint venture, or joint stock company, any State or any agency or instrumentality thereof.

Public facilities. Installations open to the public and used for the public welfare. This includes but is not limited to: hospitals, clinics, firehouses, parks, recreation areas, sewer plants, water plants, community centers, libraries, city or town halls, jailhouses, courthouses, and schoolhouses.

Public services. The provision to the public of services such as: health care, fire and police protection, recreation, etc.

Site. A site is a plot of land which is suitable or can be made suitable for providing housing, public facilities, or services.

Site acquisition. Obtaining legal title to a site (or sites) or obtaining leaseholds or other interests in land, by an instrumentality of a state or local Government, or by Rural Development, for housing, public facilities, or services.

Site development. Site restoration, necessary off-site improvements and such on-site improvements as the construction of sewerage collection and water distribution lines (does not include individual taps) and construction of access roads; but does not include the construction of houses or public facilities.

Site restoration. On-site improvements to the real property (such as backfilling, compacting, grading and leveling) necessary for the construction of houses and public facilities.

State. Any of the fifty States, Puerto Rico, and any territory or possession of the United States.

State Investment Strategy for Energy Impacted Areas. The investment strategy for the development of approved designated areas within a State as proposed by the Governor and approved by Rural Development.

Substandard housing. All housing units which do not have complete plumbing fixtures, lack adequate heating systems, are not structurally sound, or contain any other conditions that would cause a safety, sanitary, or health hazard to the family or community.