The audit of the financial statements must be performed in accordance with GAGAS and this part in effect at the audit date unless the auditee is directed otherwise, in writing, by RUS.
The audit of the financial statements must include such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures that are sufficient to enable the auditor to express an opinion on the financial statements and to issue the required reporting package.
The auditee will not limit the scope of the audit to the extent that the auditor is unable to meet RUS audit requirements without prior written approval of the AA-PARA.
If the auditor determines during the audit that an unqualified opinion cannot be issued due to a scope limitation imposed by the auditee, the auditor should use professional judgment to determine what levels of the auditee's management and/or those charged with governance should be informed.
After informing the auditee's management and/or those charged with governance, if the scope limitation is not adequately resolved, the auditor should immediately contact the AA-PARA.