The auditee's governance board should note and record receipt of the reporting package and any action taken in response to the reporting package in the minutes of the board meeting at which such reporting package is presented.
The auditee must furnish RUS with an electronic copy of the reporting package within 120 days of the audit date as provided for in § 1773.3.
The auditee must furnish AA-PARA with a copy of its plan for corrective action, if any, within 180 days of the audit date.
The auditee must include in the reporting package a copy of each special report, summary of recommendations or similar communications, if any, received from the auditor as a result of the audit.
All required submissions to RUS described in paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section should be furnished electronically. The electronic copy must be provided in a Portable Document Format (PDF). Auditees with a designation from 0001 through 0199 in the Electric program and 500 through 699 in the Telecommunications programs shall upload the reporting package to the DCS or its successor system. Borrowers and/or grantees with a designation from 1100 through 1199, 1300 through 1399, and 1400 through 1499 in the Broadband program shall upload the reporting package to the BCAS or its successor system. All other borrowers and/or grantees may upload their reporting package through DCS or its successor system. Specific instructions for submission are available from the Technical Accounting and Auditing Staff.