Where to send documents. Documents required to be submitted to RUS under this part are to be sent to the office of the borrower's respective RUS Regional Director, the Power Supply Division Director, or such other office of RUS as designated by RUS. (See part 1700 of this chapter.)
Contracts requiring RUS approval. The borrower shall submit to RUS three copies of each contract that is subject to RUS approval under subparts B and C of this part. At least one copy of each contract must be an original signed in ink (i.e., no facsimile signature). Each contract submittal must be accompanied by a certified copy of the board resolution awarding the contract.
Contract amendments requiring RUS approval. The borrower shall submit to RUS three copies of each contract amendment (at least one copy of which must be an original signed in ink) which is subject to RUS approval. Each contract amendment submittal to RUS must be accompanied by a certified copy of the board resolution approving the amendment.