General. Paragraphs (b) through (m) of this section describe the kinds of official service available. Each kind of service has several levels. §§ 800.115, 800.116, 800.117, and 800.118 explain Original Services, §§ 800.125, 800.126, 800.127, 800.128, and 800.129 explain Reinspection Services and Review of Weighing Services, and §§ 800.135, 800.136, 800.137, 800.138, and 800.139 explain Appeal Inspection Services. The results of each official service listed in paragraphs (b) through (j) will be certificated according to § 800.160.
Official sample-lot inspection service. This service consists of official personnel (1) sampling an identified lot of grain and (2) analyzing the grain sample for grade, official factors, or official criteria, or any combination thereof, according to the regulations, Official U.S. Standards for Grain, instructions, and the request for inspection.
Warehouseman's sample-lot inspection service. This service consists of (1) a licensed warehouseman sampler (i) sampling an identified lot of grain using an approved diverter-type mechanical sampler and (ii) sending the sample to official personnel and (2) official personnel analyzing the grain sample for grade, official factors, official criteria, or any combination thereof, according to the regulations, Official U.S. Standards for Grain, instructions, and the request for inspection.
Submitted sample inspection service. This service consists of an applicant or an applicant's agent submitting a grain sample to official personnel, and official personnel analyzing the grain sample for grade, official factors, official criteria, or any combination thereof, according to the regulations, Official U.S. Standards for Grain, instructions, and the request for inspection.
Official sampling service. This service consists of official personnel (1) sampling an identified lot of grain and (2) forwarding a representative portion(s) of the sample along with a copy of the certificate, as requested by the applicant.
Official stowage examination service. (1) This service consists of official personnel visually determining if an identified carrier or container is clean; dry; free of infestation, rodents, toxic substances, and foreign odor; and is suitable to store or carry grain.
A stowage examination may be obtained as a separate service or with one or more other services. Approval of the stowage space is required for official sample-lot inspection services on all export lots of grain and all official sample-lot inspection services performed on outbound domestic lots of grain which are sampled and inspected at the time of loading. Also, approval of the stowage space is required for any weighing services performed on all outbound land carriers.
Class X weighing service. This service consists of official personnel (1) completely supervising the loading or unloading of an identified lot of grain and (2) physically weighing or completely supervising approved weighers weighing the grain.
Class Y weighing service. This service consists of (1) approved weighers physically weighing the grain and (2) official personnel partially or completely supervising the loading or unloading of an identified lot of grain.
Checkweighing service (sacked grain). This service consists of official personnel or approved weighers under the supervision of official personnel (1) physically weighing a selected number of sacks from a grain lot and (2) determining the estimated total gross, tare, and new weights, or the estimated average gross or net weight per filled sack according to the regulations, instructions, and request by the applicant.
Checkloading service. This service consists of official personnel (1) performing a stowage examination; (2) computing the number of filled grain containers loaded aboard a carrier; and (3) if practicable, sealing the carrier for security.
Test weight reverification service. This service consists of official personnel (1) comparing the weight of elevator test weights with known weights; (2) correcting the elevator test weights, when necessary; and (3) issuing a Report of Test.
Railroad track scale testing service. This service consists of official personnel (1) testing railroad track scales with Service-controlled test cars and (2) issuing a Report of Test.
Hopper and truck scale testing service. This service consists of official personnel (1) testing hopper and truck scales and (2) issuing a Report of Test.