Proposed actions listed in this section may be categorically excluded after completion of a review with an ESW to document that a proposed action does not involve extraordinary circumstances as specified in § 799.33.
This section has two types of categorical exclusions, one without construction and ground disturbance and one with construction and ground disturbance that will require additional environmental review and consultation in most cases.
Consultations under NHPA, ESA, and other relevant environmental mandates, may be required to document that no extraordinary circumstances exist.
The following proposed actions are grouped into broader categories of similar types of proposed actions without ground disturbance. Those proposed actions that are similar in scope (purpose, intent, and breadth) and the potential significance of impacts to those listed in this section, but not specifically listed in this section, will be considered categorical exclusions in this category, unless it is determined that extraordinary circumstances exist, as specified in § 799.33:
Loan actions. The following list includes categorical exclusions for proposed actions related to FSA loans:
Farm storage and drying facility loans for added capacity;
Loans for livestock purchases;
Release of loan security for forestry purposes;
Reorganizing farm operations; and
Replacement building loans;
Minor management, construction, or repair actions. The following list includes categorical exclusions for minor construction or repair proposed actions:
Minor construction, such as a small addition;
Drain tile replacement;
Erosion control measures;
Grading, leveling, shaping, and filling;
Grassed waterway establishment;
Hillside ditches;
Land-clearing operations of no more than 15 acres, provided any amount of land involved in tree harvesting (without stump removal) is to be conducted on a sustainable basis and according to a Federal, State, Tribal, or other governmental unit approved forestry management plan;
Nutrient management;
Permanent establishment of a water source for wildlife (not livestock);
Restoring and replacing property;
Soil and water development;
Spring development;
Trough or tank installation; and
Water harvesting catchment; and
Other FSA actions. The following list includes categorical exclusions for other FSA proposed actions:
Fence installation and replacement;
Fish stream improvement;
Grazing land mechanical treatment; and
Inventory property disposal or lease without protective easements or covenants (this proposed action, in particular, has the potential to cause effects to historic properties and therefore requires analysis under section 106 of NHPA (54 U.S.C. 306108), as well as under the ESA and wetland protection requirements).
The following proposed actions are grouped into broader categories of similar types of proposed actions with ground disturbance, each of the listed proposed actions has the potential for extraordinary circumstances because they include construction or ground disturbance. Therefore, additional environmental review and consultation will be necessary in most cases. Those proposed actions that are similar in scope (purpose, intent, and breadth) and the potential significance of impacts to those listed in this section, but not specifically listed in this section, will be considered categorical exclusions in this category, unless it is determined that extraordinary circumstances exist, as specified in § 799.33:
Loan actions. The following list includes categorical exclusions for proposed actions related to FSA loans:
Loans and loan subordination with construction, demolition, or ground disturbance planned;
Real estate purchase loans with new ground disturbance planned; and
Term operating loans with construction or demolition planned;
Construction or ground disturbance actions. The following list includes categorical exclusions for construction or ground disturbance proposed actions:
Chiseling and subsoiling in areas not previously tilled;
Construction of a new farm storage facility;
Dikes and levees;
Drop spillways;
Grade stabilization structures;
Grading, leveling, shaping and filling in areas or to depths not previously disturbed;
Installation of structures designed to regulate water flow such as pipes, flashboard risers, gates, chutes, and outlets;
Irrigation systems;
Land smoothing;
Line waterways or outlets;
Livestock crossing facilities;
(xviii) Pesticide containment facility;
Pipe drop;
Pipeline for watering facility;
Ponds, including sealing and lining;
Precision land farming with ground disturbance;
(xxiii) Riparian buffer establishment;
Roads, including access roads;
Rock barriers;
Rock filled infiltration trenches;
(xxvii) Sediment basin;
(xxviii) Sediment structures;
Site preparation for planting or seeding in areas not previously tilled;
Soil and water conservation structures;
Stream bank and shoreline protection;
(xxxii) Structures for water control;
(xxxiii) Subsurface drains;
(xxxiv) Surface roughening;
(xxxvi) Underground outlets;
(xxxvii) Watering tank or trough installation, if in areas not previously disturbed;
(xxxviii) Wells; and
(xxxix) Wetland restoration.
Management and planting type actions. The following list includes categorical exclusions for resource management and planting proposed actions:
Establishing or maintaining wildlife plots in areas not previously tilled or disturbed;
Prescribed burning;
Tree planting when trees have root balls of one gallon container size or larger; and
Wildlife upland habitat management.