Subject to paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, costs will not be shared for practices or components of practices that are started before a request for cost share under this part is submitted with the applicable county FSA office.
Costs may be shared for drought and non-drought practices or components of practices that are started before a request is submitted with the county FSA office, only if:
Considered and approved on a case-by-case basis in accordance with instructions of the Deputy Administrator;
The disaster that is the basis of a claim for cost-share assistance created a situation that required the producer to take immediate action to prevent further losses;
The Deputy Administrator determines that the request for assistance was filed within a reasonable amount of time after the start of the enrollment period; and
The practice was started no more than 60 days before the ECP or EFRP designation was approved for the applicable county office.
Any action taken prior to approval of a claim is taken at the producer's own risk.
An application for relief may be denied for any reason.
All payments under this part are subject to the availability of funds.