§ 989.29 - Initial members and nomination of successor members.

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Copy as parenthetical citation

Initial members. Members and alternate members of the Committee serving immediately prior to the effective date of this amended subpart shall, if thereafter they are eligible, serve on the Committee until April 30, 1984, and until their respective successors have been selected and qualified.

Nominations for successor members. Nominations for successor

The Committee shall notify the cooperative marketing association(s) engaged in handling not less than 10 percent of the total raisin acquisitions during the preceding crop year, and cooperative bargaining association(s), of the date by which nominations to fill member and alternate member positions shall be made. The Committee shall give reasonable publicity of a meeting or meetings of producers who are not members of cooperative bargaining association(s), or cooperative marketing association(s) which handled 10 percent or more of the total raisin acquisitions during the preceding crop year, and of independent handlers and cooperative marketing association(s) who handled less than 10 percent of the total raisin acquisitions during the preceding crop year, for the purpose of making nominations to fill the member and alternate member positions prescribed in § 989.26 (c) and (d): Provided, That member and alternate member nominations by independent handlers and cooperative marketing association(s) who acquired less than 10 percent of the total raisin acquisitions during the preceding crop year may be made to the Committee by mail in lieu of meetings.

Any producer representing independent producer and producers who are affiliated with cooperative marketing association(s) handling less than 10 percent of the total raisin acquisitions during the preceding crop year must have produced grapes which were made into raisins in the particular district for which they are nominated to represent said district as a producer member or alternate producer member on the Committee. In the event any such nominee is engaged as a producer in more than one district, such producer may be a nominee for only one district. One or more producers may be nominated for each such producer member or alternate member position.

Each such producer whose name is offered in nomination for producer member positions to represent on the Committee independent producers or producers who are affiliated with cooperative marketing association(s) handling less than 10 percent of the total raisin acquisitions during the preceding crop year shall be given the opportunity to provide the Committee a short statement outlining qualifications and desire to serve if selected. Similarly, each such producer whose name is offered in nomination for producer alternate member positions to represent on the Committee independent producers or producers who are affiliated with cooperative marketing association(s) handling less than 10 percent of the total raisin acquisitions during the preceding crop year shall be given the opportunity to provide the Committee a short statement outlining qualifications and desire to serve if selected. These brief statements, together with a ballot and voting instructions, shall be mailed to all independent producers and producers who are affiliated with cooperative marketing associations handling less than 10 percent of the total raisin acquisitions during the preceding crop year of record with the Committee in each district. The producer member candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be designated as the first member nominee, the second highest shall be designated as the second member nominee until nominees for all producer member positions have been filled. Similarly, the producer alternate member candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be designated as the first alternate member nominee, the second highest shall be designated as the second alternate member nominee until nominees for all member positions have been filled.

In the event that there are more producer member nominees than positions to be filled and not enough producer alternate member nominees to fill all positions, producer member nominees not nominated for a member seat may be nominated to fill vacant alternate member seats. Member seat nominees shall indicate, prior to the nomination vote, whether they are willing to accept nomination for an alternate seat in the event they are not nominated for a member seat and there are vacant alternate member seats. Member seat nominees that do not indicate willingness to be considered for vacant alternate member seats shall not be considered.

Each independent producer or producer affiliated with cooperative marketing association(s) handling less than 10 percent of the total raisin acquisitions during the preceding crop year shall cast only one vote with respect to each position for which nominations are to be made. Write-in candidates shall be accepted. The person receiving the most votes with respect to each position to be filled, in accordance with paragraph (b)(2)(ii) and (iii) of this section, shall be the person to be certified to the Secretary as the nominee. The Committee may, subject to the approval of the Secretary, establish rules and regulations to effectuate this section.

One or more eligible handlers for each handler position to be filled may be proposed for nomination to represent independent handlers and cooperative marketing association(s) which acquired less than 10 percent of the total raisin acquisitions during the preceding crop year on the Committee. Nominations shall be made by and from handlers, or employees, representatives or agents of handlers falling within such groups. Each handler shall cast only one vote with respect to each position for which nomination is to be made. The person receiving the most votes with respect to each handler member of handler alternate member position shall be the person to be certified to the Secretary as the nominee for each such position.

Each vote cast shall be on behalf of the person voting, the person's agent, subsidiaries, affiliates, and representatives. Voting at each handler meeting shall be in person. The results of each ballot at each handler meeting shall be announced at that meeting.

Each nomination shall be certified by the Committee to the Secretary on or before April 5 immediately preceding the commencement of the term of office of the member or alternate member position for which the nomination is certified.