Disqualification of employees. An employee shall not participate in an examination, audit, investigation, application, contract, or other particular matter if the employer of the employee's spouse, child, parent, brother, sister, or a member of the employee's household is a party or represents a party to the matter, unless an agency designee authorizes the employee to participate using the standard in 5 CFR 2635.502(d).
Reporting certain relationships. A covered employee shall make a written report to an agency designee within 30 days of the employment of the employee's spouse, child, parent, brother, sister, or a member of the employee's household by:
An FDIC-insured depository institution or its affiliate;
A firm or business with which, to the employee's knowledge, the Corporation has a contractual or other business or financial relationship; or
A firm or business which, to the employee's knowledge, is seeking a business or contractual relationship with the Corporation.