This subpart applies to each program for which Federal financial assistance is authorized under a law administered by OPM, including the federally assisted programs listed in appendix A to this subpart. It also applies to money paid, property transferred, or other Federal financial assistance extended under a program after the effective date of this subpart pursuant to an application approved before that effective date. This subpart does not apply to:
Federal financial assistance by way of insurance or guaranty contracts;
Money paid, property transferred, or other assistance extended under a program before the effective date of this subpart, except when the assistance was subject to the title VI regulations of an agency whose responsibilities are now exercised by OPM;
Assistance to any individual who is the ultimate beneficiary under a program; or
Employment practices, under a program, of an employer, employment agency, or labor organization, except to the extent described in § 900.404(c).
In a program receiving Federal financial assistance in the form, or for the acquisition, of real property or an interest in real property, to the extent that rights to space on, over, or under that property are included as part of the program receiving that assistance, the nondiscrimination requirement of this subpart extends to a facility located wholly or in part in that space.